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How we started...

If you would have asked me 5 years ago where I would be today, I doubt that I would have said running a bakery. Rewind a couple of years to the story of two best friends, taking cake decorating classes for fun, planning on careers in education and medicine. Sure, we joked about baking together long term,  but neither one of us knew exactly how to get there. Perhaps by chance, this was answered as we soon came to realize the growing need for specialty diet goods, especially in the Upstate. We decided to remedy the situation- we created Beach Cakes. And we watched our dreams come true.  


Where we're going...       


Beach Cakes is dedicated to providing a healthy alternative to a classic American pasttime that anyone, regardless of health restrictions or diet choice, can enjoy. By furthering a culture of respect for animals and the environment, we encourage a health-concious lifestyle by delivering high end specialty baked goods that can not be found anywhere else. Using natural and plant-based goods, we create cakes, ranging from cupcakes up to large-scale wedding cakes.


So try for yourself, and experience Beach Cakes, and allow yourself some time in paradise.

Meet our Team

Megan Cornnell, senior at Wofford College, has been in the baking industry for over six years. Originally a biology and pre-med major, she decided during her junior year to instead, pursue her lifelong dream of opening a bakery. With experience in vegan and gluten-free baking, she entered a business competition which allowed her ideas to prosper and turn itself into a reality. Megan is still finishing her college career as a biology major, but is looking forward to graduating and moving forward with the plans of opening her business, Beach Cakes.

Jaime Ferrari, senior at College of Charleston, is a secondary education and English major. She and Megan met in the first grade, and over time, grew to be best friends. They took a cake decorating class together at a local craft store for fun during their high school years. From there, they both discovered their talent and love for baking. What started as a fun hobby soon developed into a premature business idea with a request from a family friend for a vegan wedding cake. From that point forward, Jaime and Megan took on more orders and pursued even farther the challenge of keeping them primarily vegan. Jaime currently lives in Charleston, SC but is looking forward to moving to the Upstate this summer to assist in furthering their business adventure.

Bailey the pug puppy is the one and only Beach Cakes mascot and cupcake connoisseur.

Anna Grimes, junior at USC Upstate, is a business management major. She and Megan met in 2011, became good friends and are now roomates. Anna is currently serving as Beach Cakes' primary taste tester and handling the marketing and sales aspects of the business. 

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